E conf-irm@wu.ac.at
An AIS Affiliated Conference W conf-irm2012.wu.ac.at
Vienna University of Economics and Business
(WU WIEN), Vienna, Austria
May 21-23, 2012
Call for Papers
Information Systems and Accountability in a Digital World
Dr. Michael Häupl - Mayor of Vienna
Brigitte Jank - President of the Vienna Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Important Dates
Submission deadline: December 6, 2011
Notification of Acceptance/Rejection: February 1, 2012
Final Submission and Early Registration due date: March 1, 2012
The organizing committee invites you to submit your research work, teaching cases, and proposals for
panels and tutorials to Conf-IRM. All conference submissions will be double-blind and peer reviewed. The review process will be handled by the track chairs and co-chairs.
Submission Types and Guidelines
Full Length Submissions
Submissions must be no more than 5000 words, including references, appendices and title page, with a
maximum of 5 figures/tables. Submissions must be original, and previously unpublished, conceptual or
empirical research manuscript for review. All accepted papers will be published in the conference
proceedings in their entirety upon payment of registration fees. Papers accepted and presented at the
conference will also be placed in the AIS e-Library. Papers not presented at the conference, for any reason, will not be included in the AIS e-Library. Highly rated papers by the reviewers will be considered for publications in selected Journals. Moreover, the paper that best represents, in terms of quality and suitability, the theme and ideals of the conference will be awarded the "Best Paper Award".
Research-in-Progress Submissions
Submissions of no more than 2000 words with a maximum of 3 figures/tables. All research-in-progress
submissions will be published in the proceedings as short papers.
Teaching Cases
We welcome submissions of teaching cases. The cases should be based on real situations and targeted at
specific learning objectives. Cases should be no more than 5000 words and must be accompanied by
instructor teaching notes (not included in the 5000 words). The teaching notes will not be published.
Panel and Tutorial Submissions
Submissions of not more than 1000 words. Proposals should include the objectives, issues to be covered
and full details of all presenters. Method of presentation is at the submitter's discretion; however, the
submitter has the responsibility for providing his/her own panel members. All accepted proposals will
appear in the conference proceedings (Please note that all panelists and tutorial presenters must register
for the conference).
Important Announcements
The number of submissions by an author (including joint authorship) is strictly limited to a maximum
of two submissions.
Authors of accepted papers (at least one person per submission) and all panel members MUST register
and attend the conference.
Submissions of ALL TYPES must be received by the above deadline.
Details of track descriptions and how to submit will be announced soon.
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