quinta-feira, 12 de dezembro de 2019

Ranking de periódicos na área de inovação

Planilha com cerca de 200 periódicos, considerando os rankings e quartis de duas áreas: Management of Technology and Innovation [MTI] e Strategy and Management [S&M], tanto no Scimago como no Scopus. A lista pode ser útil na seleção de periódicos para submissão futura, considerando as características dos artigos.

Journal Qualis 2016 Qualis novo Quartil MTI Scimago Quartil S&M Scimago H Index SJR Scimago Rank MTI Scimago Rank MTI Scopus Rank S&M Scimago Rank S&M Scopus CiteScore Scopus SJR Scopus ISSN
Journal of Human Resources

Q1 Q1 92 1 4 2 5 8.27 12.363 1548-8004
Academy of Management Journal

Q1 Q1 283 2 1 3 2 10.36 10.755 0001-4273
Academy of Management Review

Q1 Q1 242 3 3 4 4 9.2 9.316 0363-7425
Organization Science

Q1 Q1 211 4 21 7 33 4.76 6.545 1526-5455
Journal of International Business Studies A1 A1 Q1 Q1 168 5 5 10 7 8.12 5.548 0047-2506
Journal of Business Venturing

154 6 2

9.79 4.835 0883-9026
Organizational Research Methods

95 7 10 12 18 6.26 4.06 1094-4281
Research Policy

Q1 Q1 206 8 8 13 17 6.56 3.409 0048-7333
Production and Operations Management

93 9 33

3.39 3.283 1059-1478
Journal of Management Studies A1 A1 Q1 Q1 158 10 13 16 20 5.99 3.141 0022-2380
Journal of Product Innovation Management - - Q1 Q1 126 11 16 17 25 5.43 2.971 1540-5885
International Journal of Management Reviews

Q1 Q1 87 12 6 19 8 8.01 2.896 1460-8545
Human Relations

Q1 Q1 113 13 28 23 42 4.24 2.44 0018-7267
Organization Studies A1 A1 Q1 Q1 130 15 24 24 39 4.37 2.355 0170-8406

111 16 11

6.25 2.3 0166-4972
Industrial and Labor Relations Review

Q1 Q1 69 17

International Journal of Project Management

121 18 9

International Journal of Operations and Production Management

Q1 Q1 120 19 12 30 19 6.05 2.095 0144-3577
British Journal of Management

Q1 Q1 93 20 22 34 36 4.44 1.942 1045-3172
Human Resource Management

Q1 Q1 81 21 27 35 41 4.28 1.886 0090-4848
Journal of Small Business Management

Q1 Q1 94 22 17 36
5.29 1.84 0047-2778
Corporate Governance: An International Review

Q1 Q1 70 27 31 46 47 3.91 1.432 0964-8410
Technological Forecasting and Social Change

93 28 25

4.32 1.422 0040-1625
Decision Sciences

Q1 Q1 97 31 43 55 81 2.57 1.331 0011-7315
Journal of Knowledge Management

Q1 Q1 95 35 14 61 22 5.63 1.284 1367-3270
Organization A1 A1 Q1 Q1 88 39 34 67 60 3.2 1.236 1350-5084
R&D Management - - Q1 Q1 91 41 37 70 64 2.99 1.163 1467-9310
MIT Sloan Management Review

Q1 Q1 87 42 53 71 99 2.23 1.155 1532-9194
International Journal of Human Resource Management

Q1 Q1 98 49 38 84 73 2.71 0.957 0958-5192
Public Management Review

53 23 26

4.29 1.756 1471-9037
British Journal of Industrial Relations

63 24 46

2.48 1.617 1467-8543
Industry and Innovation - - Q1
53 25 36

3.03 1.613 1366-2716
Industrial Relations

Q1 Q1 51 30 77 50 135 1.7 1.385 0019-8676
Journal of Business Venturing Insights

9 32 40

Operations Management Research

Q1 Q1 18 33 18 56 28 5.18 1.313 1936-9743
Journal of Economics and Management Strategy

Q1 Q1 61 34 54 59 100 2.18 1.29 1530-9134
Project Management Journal

Q1 Q1 33 36 45 64 86 2.51 1.266 8756-9728
European Journal of Industrial Relations

Q1 Q1 37 37 73 65 121 1.88 1.265 0959-6801
Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues (Open Access)

12 38 15

5.55 1.244 2345-0282
Journal of Management Inquiry - - Q1 Q1 55 43 59 74 105 2.13 1.127 1056-4926
Information and Organization

54 44 29

4.08 1.105 1471-7727
Creativity and Innovation Management - A2 Q1 Q1 50 46 35 76 62 3.11 1.06 0963-1690
International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal A1 A1 Q1
41 47 30

4.01 1.052 1554-7191
Management Learning

Q2 Q1 69 53 50 91 93 2.34 0.856 1350-5076
International Transactions in Operational Research

Q2 Q1 44 55 44 96 85 2.51 0.827 0969-6016
Strategic Management Journal

Q1 253

5 10 7.91 8.835 1097-0266
Journal of Management

Q1 192

6 1 10.96 7.936 0149-2063
Journal of Operations Management

Q1 166

8 3 9.87 6.481 0272-6963
Management Science

Q1 221

9 29 5.08 6.08 0025-1909
Manufacturing and Service Operations Management

Q1 71

11 55 3.52 4.439 1526-5498
Academy of Management Perspectives

Q1 115

14 21 5.92 3.349 1558-9080

Q1 120

15 12 7.54 3.292 0305-0483
Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal

Q1 31

20 23 5.59 2.817 1932-4391
California Management Review

Q1 118

21 16 6.62 2.658 0008-1256
Strategic Organization

Q1 47

22 54 3.56 2.546 1741-315X
Global Strategy Journal

Q1 12

26 51 3.75 2.176 2042-5791
Business Strategy and the Environment

Q1 84

27 9 7.93 2.166 1099-0836
Journal of Information Technology

Q1 69

28 11 7.56 2.115 1466-4437
Long Range Planning

Q1 89

31 37 4.42 2.036 0024-6301
Journal of International Management

Q1 60

40 53 3.65 1.673 1075-4253
Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management

Q1 58

41 15 7.18 1.67 1535-3958
Journal of Cleaner Production

Q1 150

42 14 7.32 1.62 0959-6526
International Journal of Production Research

Q1 115

43 40 4.34 1.585 0020-7543
Management International Review

Q1 46

44 56 3.41 1.564 0938-8249
Public Performance & Management Review

Q1 17

54 91 2.37 1.346 1530-9576
Advances in Strategic Management

Q1 25

57 170 1.4 1.297 0742-3322
Journal of Service Management

Q1 43

58 34 4.69 1.292 1757-5818
Journal of Management in Engineering - ASCE

Q1 55

63 45 3.98 1.271 0742-597X
International Journal of Industrial Organization

Q1 74

66 172 1.36 1.239 0167-7187
Journal of Manufacturing Processes

Q1 39

68 44 4.04 1.188 1526-6125
European Management Journal

Q1 89

69 48 3.88 1.173 0263-2373
Asia Pacific Journal of Management

Q1 65

72 50 3.75 1.154 0217-4561
Industrial Management and Data Systems

Q1 88

73 30 4.95 1.137 0263-5577
Nonprofit Management & Leadership

Q1 48

80 122 1.85 1.015 1048-6682
Management and Organization Review

Q1 55

82 128 1.79 0.97 1740-8776
Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management

Q1 60

85 46 3.92 0.954 1741-038X
Journal of Engineering and Technology Management - JET-M A1 A1
Q1 58

86 66 2.9 0.94 0923-4748
Cross Cultural and Strategic Management

Q1 34

87 68 2.81 0.922 2059-5794
Scandinavian Journal of Management

Q1 50

89 82 2.53 0.883 0956-5221
Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies

Q1 32

93 97 2.26 0.848 1939-7089
IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management

Q1 82

94 98 2.24 0.833 0018-9391
Journal of the Operational Research Society

Q1 94

97 115 2 0.819 0160-5682
Journal of Service Theory and Practice

Q1 73

99 63 2.99 0.807 2055-6225
Technology Analysis & Strategic Management A1 A2 Q2 Q2 60

104 111 2.05 0.724 0953-7325
Economics of Innovation and New Technology - - Q2
28 58 81

1.65 0.753 1476-8364
Journal of Information Systems

26 59 56

2.16 0.752 0888-7985
New Technology, Work and Employment

Q2 Q2 37 60 58 107 104 2.14 0.713 0268-1072
International Journal of Managing Projects in Business

Q2 Q2 25 61
110 112 2.03 0.702 1753-8378
Journal of Enterprise Information Management

52 62 32

3.83 0.69 1741-0398
Advances in Production Engineering and Management

11 63 39

2.67 0.689 1855-6531
Public Personnel Management

Q2 Q2 38 68 76 114 132 1.76 0.663 0091-0260
Review of Industrial Organization

Q2 Q2 51 69 128 120
0.79 0.634 0889-938X
Research Technology Management

Q2 Q2 58 71 105 121
1.14 0.62 0895-6308
European Journal of Innovation Management - A2 Q2
53 72 63

2.08 0.618 1460-1060
Innovation: Management, Policy and Practice A2 A2 Q2
24 73 57

2.14 0.597 1447-9338
Journal of Organizational Change Management

Q2 Q2 62 74 74 125 123 1.83 0.595 0953-4814
International Journal of Knowledge-Based Development

Q2 Q2 17 75 55 128 102 2.16 0.591 2040-4476
Service Industries Journal

Q2 Q2 57 77 49 135 92 2.36 0.563 0264-2069

Q2 Q2 58 78 114 136
0.98 0.562 0092-2102
Journal of Responsible Innovation

Q2 Q2 16 79 75 137 130 1.78 0.562 2329-9460
Operational Research

Q2 Q2 15 80 69 139 117 1.97 0.552 1109-2858
Journal of Social Marketing

19 81

Entrepreneurship Research Journal

Q2 Q2 8 82 51 143 94 2.31 0.529 2157-5665
International Journal of Selection and Assessment

Q2 Q2 54 83 107 144
1.06 0.52 1468-2389
Innovation A2 A2 Q2
29 85 88

1.43 0.506 1351-1610
Baltic Journal of Management

Q2 Q2 21 86 60 154 106 2.12 0.481 1746-5265
Management and Production Engineering Review (Open Access)

9 87 70

1.96 0.478 2082-1344
International Labour Review

Q2 Q2 42 89 106 164
1.12 0.438 0020-7780
Journal of Internet Commerce

21 92 68

1.97 0.425 1533-287X
Publishing Research Quarterly

12 93 150

0.61 0.421 1936-4792
Systemic Practice and Action Research

Q2 Q2 31 95 113 175
0.99 0.409 1094-429X
Innovation Policy and the Economy

Q2 Q2 11 96 87 177 163 1.44 0.406 1531-3468
Knowledge and Process Management

Q2 Q2 38 97 91 182 169 1.41 0.398 1099-1441
Knowledge Management Research and Practice

30 98 66

2.02 0.396 1477-8238
Creative Industries Journal

Q2 Q2 6 99 109 184
1.02 0.391 1751-0708
International Journal of Innovation Management A2 A2 Q2 Q2 34 100 93 185 176 1.32 0.389 1363-9196
Africa Journal of Management

Q2 Q2 8 101 80 186 140 1.65 0.388 2332-2373
Global Journal of Flexible Systems Management

Q2 21

102 61 3.12 0.786 0972-2696
Service Business

Q2 25

106 72 2.72 0.72 1862-8508
International Journal of Leadership in Education

Q2 33

108 164 1.44 0.708 1360-3124
Management Communication Quarterly

Q2 55

111 156 1.49 0.699 0893-3189
European Management Review

Q2 27

112 109 2.06 0.676 1740-4762
Journal of Small Business Strategy (Open Access)

Q2 5

115 126 1.81 0.659 1081-8510
International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management

Q2 48

119 71 2.75 0.644 1741-0401

Q2 41

123 142 1.62 0.61 0957-8765
Journal of Co-operative Organization and Management

Q2 8

129 155 1.49 0.587 2213-297X
International Journal of Management Education

Q2 16

134 108 2.07 0.571 1472-8117
Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development

Q2 55

147 107 2.12 0.504 1462-6004
Management in Education

Q2 13


International Journal of Technology Management - - Q2 Q2 51

149 159 1.47 0.502 1741-5276
International Journal of Information Systems and Project Management (Open Access)

Q2 10

150 139 1.67 0.501 2182-7788
Asia Pacific Management Review (Open Access)

Q2 11

160 129 1.78 0.463 1029-3132
Management (France) (Open Access)

Q2 19

161 185 1.29 0.458 1286-4692
International Journal of Management Science and Engineering Management

Q2 19

169 147 1.59 0.426 1750-9653
Journal of Strategy and Management

Q2 15

178 154 1.53 0.406 1755-425X
Journal of Entrepreneurship

Q2 11

179 179 1.31 0.405 0971-3557
Journal of Business Strategy

Q2 34


Journal of Accounting and Organizational Change

Q2 21

183 165 1.42 0.397 1832-5912
Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies

Q2 8

187 77 2.6 0.388 2053-4604
Journal of Global Operations and Strategic Sourcing

Q2 19

188 118 1.93 0.386 2398-5364
Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization

Q2 25


European Journal of Management and Business Economics (Open Access)

Q2 8

196 149 1.57 0.354 2444-8451
International Journal of Organizational Analysis

Q2 19

197 190 1.22 0.353 1934-8835
Polish Journal of Management Studies (Open Access)

Q2 11

198 153 1.54 0.353 2081-7452
International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing

Q2 8


Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management (Open Access)

Q2 22

200 146 1.6 0.351 2013-8423
Management Research

Q2 15


BRQ Business Research Quarterly (Open Access)

49 3.87 0.738
International Journal of Information and Decision Sciences

Q3 Q2 12 102 132 193
0.75 0.369 1756-7017
International Journal of Manpower

Q3 Q2 49 103 96 194 181 1.3 0.369 0143-7720
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation - - Q3
11 104 86

1.45 0.368 2043-6882
VINE Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems

24 105 67

2.02 0.362 2059-5891
Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences A1 A2 Q3
42 106 118

0.93 0.357 0825-0383
Digital Policy, Regulation and Governance

26 107 84

1.56 0.353 2398-5038
International Journal of Technology (Open Access)

Q3 Q3 9 108 108

1.06 0.345 2086-9614
Managerial and Decision Economics

Q3 Q3 45 111 121 211
0.89 0.33 1099-1468
Asian Journal of Technology Innovation

10 113 116

0.95 0.315 1976-1597
International Journal of Knowledge Management

19 115 101

1.22 0.307 1548-0666
Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management

Q3 Q3 10 116 65 226 113 2.02 0.305 2053-4639
System Dynamics Review

Q3 Q3 52 117 97 230 187 1.27 0.298 1099-1727
Knowledge Management and E-Learning (Open Access)

18 118 115

0.97 0.296 20737904
International Journal of Innovation and Learning A2 A3 Q3
25 123 131

0.76 0.283 1471-8197
Journal of High Technology Management Research A1 A2 Q3 Q3 39 128 90 245 168 1.41 0.273 1047-8310
Journal of Technology Management and Innovation (Open Access)

22 129 117

0.94 0.273 0718-2724
International Journal of Knowledge Management Studies

11 133 143

0.66 0.264 1743-8276
International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing

Q3 Q3 12 136 124 271
0.8 0.237 1742-5379
International Journal of Product Development

Q3 Q3 22 142 141 282
0.69 0.227 1477-9056
RAE Revista de Administracao de Empresas (Open Access)

Q3 Q3 11 144 126 286
0.8 0.222 0034-7590
Journal of Organizational Behavior Management

Q3 Q3 28 146 120 290
0.89 0.218 0160-8061
International Journal of Business Innovation and Research A2 A3 Q3
18 154 144

0.64 0.201 1751-0252
International Journal of Innovation and Sustainable Development

18 159 146

0.63 0.196 1740-8822
International Journal of Technological Learning, Innovation and Development B3
18 161 163

0.39 0.193 1753-1942
International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management B2* A3 Q3
15 163 148

0.62 0.189 1793-6950
International Journal of Innovation Science B1 A4 Q3
9 165 145

0.64 0.185 1757-2223
Journal of Change Management

Q3 22

203 144 1.61 0.346 1479-1811
Periodica Polytechnica, Social and Management Sciences

Q3 10

207 182 1.3 0.339 1416-3837
Journal of Enterprising Communities

Q3 19

208 152 1.54 0.336 1750-6204
International Journal of Learning and Intellectual Capital

Q3 14


Business and Society Review

Q3 17


E a M: Ekonomie a Management (Open Access)

Q3 18

220 195 1.18 0.318 2336-5064
Journal of Global Information Management

Q3 37

221 145 1.61 0.312 1062-7375
International Studies of Management and Organization

Q3 17

223 160 1.46 0.311 0020-8825
European Research on Management and Business Economics (Open Access)

Q3 11

224 131 1.76 0.308 2444-8834
Journal of Entrepreneurship Education

Q3 11

225 80 2.58 0.305 1528-2651
Review of International Business and Strategy

Q3 24

231 167 1.42 0.296 2059-6014
International Journal of Project Organisation and Management

Q3 10


International Journal of Business Excellence

Q3 15


Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship

Q3 22


International Journal of Information Systems in the Service Sector

Q3 10


Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Systems

Q3 13

251 189 1.24 0.263 0219-6867
Business: Theory and Practice (Open Access)

Q3 13

253 191 1.21 0.259 1648-0627
Management Review Quarterly

Q3 12

262 124 1.83 0.247 2198-1639
International Journal of Public Sector Performance Management

Q3 6


International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management A2 A3 Q4 Q4 20 167 156 327
0.49 0.179 1741-5098
International Journal of Entrepreneurship

157 1.48 0.251
Journal of Entrepreneurship and Public Policy

Q3 9



Q3 7


International Journal of Entrepreneurship

Q3 9


Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship

Q3 20


International Journal of Applied Management Science

Q3 11


Cuadernos de Gestion

Q3 9


International Journal of Business Analytics

Q3 7


International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management

Q3 18


Journal of Research in Marketing and Entrepreneurship

Q3 16


Organization Management Journal

Q3 12


International Journal of Business Science and Applied Management

Q3 13


International Journal of Services, Technology and Management

Q4 20


Engineering Management Journal B2* A4



[MTI] Ranking Area: Management of Technology and Innovation

[S&M] Ranking Area: Strategy and Management

* Qualis ou Quartil de outras áreas